The incredible, phantom-like dhole (pronounced “dole”), aka red dog, Asiatic wild dog, or whistling dog is found from Siberia in northern Asia to the Malay Peninsula down south. They like scrub, steppes, dense forests, and even alpine regions up to 9,000 feet. They are strange for several reasons: 1st, they have only 2 molars on each side of their lower jaw, rather than 3; 2nd, they have a shorter jaw than most other canines; and 3rd, females have more teats than other canids which allows them to produce more pups. Dholes are listed as Endangered by the IUCN, due to several factors: habitat destruction (due to housing development and agriculture), hunting, and disease from non-native species and stray dogs. There are only an estimated 2,500 left in the wild today!
First the Stats…
Scientific name: Cuon alpinus
Weight: Up to 44 lbs.
Length: Up to 3 feet, plus a 1.3 foot long tail
Height: Up to 1.6 feet, at the shoulder
Lifespan: Up to 12 years
Now on to the Facts!
1.) Dhols prey on mice, birds, deer, lizards, frogs, wild pigs, goats, banteng, buffalo, gaur, sheep, and reindeer.
2.) They are preyed on by tigers and leopards, plus humans will hunt them due to habitat disputes.
3.) These canids use multiple sounds to communicate, like whistles, growls, screams, and clucks.
4.) Like many other species of canines, they travel in packs. Some dhole super packs can be as large as 40 members.
5.) A dhole is able to jump up to 7 feet in the air. They are also superb runners and swimmers.
But wait, there’s more on the dhole!
6.) Packs patrol an area of around 30+ square miles.
7.) In the pack there is a single dominant monogamous (mate for life) pair, and the rest of the pack helps to the care for and feed the alpha dhole’s pups.
Did you know…?
Talk about dine and dash… these critters can chow down up to 2.2 lbs. of food in less than 4 minutes flat!
8.) Females can birth up to 12 pups in a single litter!
Now a Short Dhole Video!
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