The tiger is the largest species of the cat family. Even though they are large and powerful, they are also very stealthy. You’ll never know you’re being stalked by a tiger till it’s too late! Being the 3rd largest land predator, after polar and brown bears, has both its advantages and disadvantages. You’re top of the food chain but you’re also open to hunting and poaching. The remaining tiger species are listed as Endangered by the IUCN, and their populations are decreasing.
First the Stats…
Scientific name: Panthera tigris
Weight: Up to 670 lbs.
Length: Up to 11 feet
Height: Up to 4 feet, at the shoulders
Lifespan: Up to 26 years
Now on to the Facts!
1.) Tigers are the only cat species that are completely striped. This means that they even have stripes on their skin.
2.) Tigers, as mentioned, are the largest cat species in the world and the 3rd largest carnivore on land; only polar bears and brown bears are larger. An adult Amur or Siberian tiger (the largest subspecies) can weigh up to 670 lbs.
3.) No 2 tigers have the same stripes. Like human fingerprints, their stripe patterns are unique to each individual.
4.) An adult tiger can consume up to 88 lbs. of meat in 1 meal! That’s like eating 352 quarter pounders in a single meal!
5.) Ever wonder why your cat buries its food? Big cats do it too. They will often stay with their kill and bury it to come back to later.
But wait, there’s more on the tiger!
6.) Female tigers are devoted mothers. After a gestation (pregnancy) period of a little more than 3 months, they give birth to up to 3 cubs, that are born altricial (blind and helpless). The mom is the sole provider for them until they reach independence at 2 years of age. Dad usually doesn’t play a part in raising the cubs.
7.) A group of tigers is called a streak. A streak is rare to see, as tigers are solitary critters.
Did you know…?
It’s estimated that tiger hunts are only successful about 1 in every 10 – 20 attempts! Talk about perseverance!
8.) Unlike many other big cats, tigers are strong swimmers and have been known to swim long distances to hunt, and even cross rivers. Young tigers frequently play in water and adults will lounge in streams or lakes to stay cool during the hot days.
9.) Tigers are usually nocturnal (active at night) hunters, by nature. Their nighttime vision is up to 6 times greater than ours. However, they are also very opportunistic as well and wont pass up a chance to kill during daylight hours, if the opportunity arises.
10.) You can hear a tiger’s roar up to 2 miles away! Tiger vocalizations include hissing, roaring, moaning, growling, and chuffing (regular sharp puffing sound).
But wait, there’s still more on the tiger!
11.) Tigers have large padded feet and roll their steps when they prowl. This makes them almost totally silent when hunting.
12.) Currently, there are 5 subspecies of tiger: Bengal, South China, Indochinese, Sumatran & Siberian. Sadly, due to poaching and human encroachment, 3 subspecies of tiger have become extinct: Caspian, Javan, and Bali.
Now a Short Tiger Video!
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Some source material acquired from: Wikipedia & IUCN