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I have over 50 years of critter experience to my credit and hundreds of zoology teaching hours to people from around the world. With this I have amassed not only a continuing thirst for critter knowledge but a desire to teach others all I can about the majesty and wonder of our natural world. Critter Science is a culmination of such knowledge. I have hands on as well as book acquired intel on a wide variety of animals. Whether they are on land, in the water, or take flight. While I would never claim to know everything about every animal, I will find out and report to you any question you ask about any and all critters.
I previously owned and operated the world famous Ecto Critterz. I would travel all over and teach people of all ages, and from numerous countries around the world, about zoology, ecology, and environmental sustainability. At one time I had over 30 different species of critters in my care. I did this for many years and as my family grew and grew, I decided to switch my teachings to be internet-based only, to spend more time with my family. But that critter bug will never leave me. So, with the creation of Critter Science I can still teach countless people, the world over but still spend time with my amazing family.
If you’re wondering what happened to the zoo I used to have, most of the animals were re-homed to other zoos, educational facilities, and private collectors. I currently have but a few species of critters in my care. And I love them like my family.
I am often asked to identify critters from around the world, and if you happen to find a creature that you would like to know more about, you can reach out to me via this form and I’ll identify said critter for you, for FREE.
If you want me to write an article about a critter that you don’t see on the site, you can request critter articles here. You don’t have to include the scientific name, just the common name is fine. But, to narrow it down, sometimes the scientific name is helpful; just not necessary. All suggested critter articles are dedicated to the requestor. In other words, I will dedicate the request to you (using just your first name only, for anonymity).