The great snipe is a migratory wading bird with amazing camouflage. These birds can be found from Europe to western Russia, and migrate all the way down to Africa, for the winter. They prefer wet meadows equipped with short vegetation, grasslands, grassy bogs, and marshes. In Africa, they can be found in rice fields and recently flooded habitats. Facing the threats of habitat destruction and climate change, these birds are listed as Near Threatened. Their global numbers are estimated at around 380,000, and their numbers are decreasing.
First the Stats…
Scientific name: Gallinago media
Weight: Up to 9.17 ounces
Length: Up to 12 inches
Wingspan: Up to 20 inches
Lifespan: Up to 9 years
Now on to the Facts!
1.) These birds are generally both crepuscular (active at dawn and dusk) and nocturnal (active at night).
2.) When startled, they will fly in a straight path for a while before settling down in a new patch of vegetation.
3.) Their general calls sound like a subtle “yeah” sound. Mating calls sound of chirping, rattles, clicks, buzzes, and whistling calls.
4.) A group of snipes is called a walk, whisper, winnowing, leash, or volley.
5.) They primarily prey on earthworms and various insects. They will also occasionally take vegetation.
But wait, there’s more on the great snipe!
6.) These birds use their long beak to sift through mud and dirt to find food.
7.) Great snipes are polygynous (1 male mates with several females).
Did you know…?
These birds not only fly for considerable distances, but can fly up to 60 mph!
8.) The male’s courtship behaviors consist of standing tall, puffing his chest out, and fanning his tail. He will also jump into the air and produce a variety of calls, as mentioned above.
9.) Females lay up to 4 eggs that hatch in up to 24 days.
10.) Chicks are born precocial (self sufficient) and are flying in up to 28 days after hatching.
But wait, there’s more on the great snipe!
11.) Their migratory path takes them up to 4,200 miles!
12.) These birds are so dedicated in their migrations that they won’t even stop to eat. They just rely on fat stores from their pre-migration feedings.
13.) These are the fastest migratory bird known.
14.) While typically quiet birds, they get rather noisy during mating season and can be heard from over 300 yards away.
15.) Weasels, minks, skunks, hawks, and owls all prey on great snipes.
Now a Short Great Snipe Video!
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The most cutest bird in the whole wide world!!!!!