The Loveland frog, aka Loveland frogman or Loveland lizard, supposedly hails from Loveland, Ohio. Tales of an upright walking, amphibious or reptile-like creature were spread by proposed sightings back in 1955. To date, no physical evidence has surfaced to prove or disprove this creature’s existence. Is it real or fake? You be the judge.
First the Stats…
Scientific name: Lovelandis frogidea
Weight: Up to 100+ lbs.
Length: Up to 4 feet
Lifespan: Unknown
Now on to the Facts!
1.) In 1972, a Loveland police officer reported to a colleague that he had witnessed a creature that met the description of the frogman.
2.) Later, in 2016, another officer claimed to have shot the mysterious creature.
3.) This creature was later identified as a large iguana with a missing tail.
4.) Edgar Slotkin, from University of Cincinnati, stated that tales like those of the frogman are predictable and passed down through the decades.
5.) Another sighting claimed that wihle driving to the Branch Hill neighborhood people spotted several figures standing upright on hind legs, with frog faces.
But wait, there’s more on the Loveland frog!
6.) Yet a different viewing of the frogman told of a 4 foot creature that wielded a wand that was held over their head and emitted sparks.
7.) Loveland police officer Ray Shockey was driving on Riverside Drive by the Totes boot factory and near the Little Miami River when he spotted a leathery looking creature scurrying across the road and scaling a nearby guardrail and descended down to the river.
Did you know…?
In novel The Man From Primrose Lane, author James Renner features a version of the Loveland frog.
8.) 2-weeks after the Ray Shockey incident, a 2nd Loveland police officer, Mark Matthews, reported viewing an unidentified animal crouched along the side of the road in the same area as Shockey’s sighting. He shot the animal and brought it back for inspection. This turned out to be a large iguana.
9.) In May 2014, the Loveland frog legend was forged into a musical, entitled Hot Damn! It’s the Loveland Frog!
10.) This year, at the 2nd annual Hearts Afire Weekend celebration, the Loveland frog was featured as a frog prince, dressed in royal clothing.
11.) So, what do you think? Is the frogman real or fake? You decide, and happy Samhain.
Now a Short Loveland Frog Video!
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Some source material acquired from: Wikipedia