![Tasmanian devil](https://critter.science/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/td1a-1180x520.jpg)
Contrary to their depiction in the Looney Tunes™ cartoons, the Tasmanian devil does not spin like a mini tornado. They do have one heck of a bite and have tempers too. They’re fierce predators and love eating. They don’t get very large but they are still a force to be reckoned with. These little devils are cute with black fur sporting various white markings on their chest and shoulders. They are listed as Endangered by the IUCN, due to hunting, trapping, invasive species, and disease. This article is on special request from my buddy, Jasmine.
First the Stats…
Scientific name: Sarcophilus harrisii
Weight: Up to 18 lbs.
Length: Up to 2.1 feet
Lifespan: Up to 8 years
Now on to the Facts!
1.) The Tasmanian devil is the largest surviving carnivorous marsupial.
2.) Tasmanian devils get their namesake due to their ferocious mating behavior and during eating. Also because of the very loud screeching noise that they produce.
3.) These devils eat fish, snakes, insects, birds, and even carrion (dead animals). When they catch their prey they consume it all; bones and fur included!
4.) The devil can eat approximately 40% of its body weight in a day.
5.) Not only do they have a powerful bite, but they also have great vision and sense of smell.
But wait, there’s more on the Tasmanian devil!
6.) Fat is stored in the tail. The tail in healthy animals is thick and swollen, while sickly animals have a skinny tail.
7.) Tasmanian devils are not very fast runners (only 15 mph). However, they can run for extended periods of time (up to 1 hour without resting). They’re also great at climbing and swimming.
Did you know…?
They have among the strongest bite of any mammal at 1,200 pounds per square inch. This means that it can bite through flesh and even bone!
8.) They are primarily nocturnal (active at night).
9.) In stressful scenarios, a devil will release a pungent odor to quickly turn away predators.
10.) Babies spend their first 4 months in the mother’s pouch.
But wait, there’s still more on the Tasmanian devil!
11.) Dogs and foxes are their only predators.
12.) Tasmanian devils are sometimes called the Australian hyena for their scavenging habits and powerful bite.
Now a Short Tasmanian Devil Video!
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