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Environmental sustainability refers to the responsible management of our natural resources in order to fulfill the current population’s needs without otherwise compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. ES hopes to balance economic, ecological, and social goals, like the reduction of carbon emissions, promoting renewable energy, and ensuring reasonable access to resources.
We humans produce an inordinate amount of waste on a daily basis and most of us never stop to think about what that is doing to our planet, as a whole. Trash, for instance, is not only unsightly, but it leads to pollution and even deaths to animals. Take your standard 6-pack of Coke (6-pack rings) that hold soda cans together for instance. If not cut up, they often times end up around the necks of animals, causing injury and even death. Another commonly utilized item is the plastic grocery bag. If discarded and it ends up in the ocean, sea turtles often mistake them for jellyfish and ingest them. This binds up their digestive track and leads to a slow, painful demise.
Per the World Health Organization (WHO), upwards of 24% of human deaths can by linked to otherwise avoidable environmental factors. Humans, based on several studies, are estimated to be directly responsible for more than 1/4 of all vertebrate animal mortalities. A portion of that figure is due to our impact on the environment; via factors such as non-compostable trash, pollution, and climate change.
Environmental sustainability is critical in preserving precious resources such as clean air, water, and land for future generations of wildlife and humankind. ES is crucial for the survival of this planet and all its inhabitants.
There are many things you can do to be a part of the solution, rather than be a part of the problem. The old reduce, reuse, and recycle adage is tried and true, and an amazing way to do your part. Below are several things you can do to make simple life changes that will lead to the betterment of all life on this amazing planet we call home. Be sure to take note of the factoids on the shelf life of some of the items people use every day.
There are several steps you can take to reduce your individual and group footprint on this planet. For example:
Here are several hints on how to reuse items:
Rather than throw out old or damaged items, recycle them. Many cities offer monthly recycling events where you can take that old worn out couch to in order for it to be recycled into other items. When recycling though, pay attention to what you’re recycling. For instance, things like Styrofoam (which should be avoided anyway) and other items cannot be recycled.
Here is a general list of items that shouldn’t or cannot be recycled:
Of course, a key factor in all of this is to also spread the word to others about environmental sustainability in an encouraging manner to get more people involved with the 3 Rs, reduce, reuse, and recycle. The more people we can get to participate, the better. Think of it as a herd mentality, but a positive one.
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