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- Zoology
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Hello my name is Erin Thomsen but my close friends and family call me ET. I have been a bit of a shutter bug since I was a little girl. My Papa was an avid photographer back in the day when cameras were just starting to become popular. He processed his own film and even hand colored his prints. I remember sitting around the old slide projector looking at his black and white landscape shots of the South Dakota badlands. Ansel Adams eat your heart out… my Papa was amazing! I can honestly say he was my inspiration before I ever realized he was.
I took up photography as a ‘hobby’ after a trip to Central America in 2009. The critters were amazing. Thank goodness for the science of the ‘digital’ age, as it has helped us hobbyists save a lot of money on what would have been wasted film prints. I’ve spent most of the last several years with a view finder up to my eye, looking at life around me with a new perspective. I have turned this hobby into a full time passion! It is a rare occasion to not find me in the field shooting photographs, or my camera in the car along for a ride. Many a time I’ve had to pull over on the side of the road, and hop out to capture a quick shot of something amazing that caught my eye. In the spring and summer you will find me nearly every weekend in my kayak, camera in hand. I’ve mastered the art of paddling, shooting photographs of critters and scenery & not falling out.
I am available for photographic kayak trips, you’ll have a blast plus experience nature close up and personal! I spend most of my time on the Mercer Slough or Lake Sammamish. I know these like the back of my hand, so I can guarantee you’ll come away from your day with a wonderful sampling of wild life photographs. I can also be talked into shooting sporting events, (just ask my nephews). Want that close up shot of your somebody special sliding into home plate, or kicking that winning goal? Give me a shout out. I’ll get you so close you’ll see individual grains of dirt flying! I live in the Seattle area, so as long as you’re within a 50 mile radius feel free to contact me and I am sure we can work something out.
My good friend Scott “The Critter Man” of Critter Science has set up this page as a means of showcasing my work and also to provide another means of selling my photography. Enjoy!
Visit my commercial photo page here.
Just select a link to be taken to the gallery of your choice.