There are many types of finches in the world. 1 finch in particular has gained the macabre taste for blood! Meet the vampire finch. The Galápagos Islands are known for their 15 species of finches, which inspired Charles Darwin to write the theory of evolution. This bird has gained a taste not only for blood, but the blood of other birds. GASP! Typically they feast upon the usual food that finches tend to eat, like seeds and insects. However, due to the lack of fresh water on the islands, they have learned to satisfy their hydration needs by drinking the blood of their avian friends.
First the Stats…
Scientific name: Geospiza difficilis septentrionalis
Weight: Up to .70 ounce
Length: Up to 5 inches
Wingspan: Up to 8.5 inches
Lifespan: Up to 10 years
Now on to the Facts!
1.) Their primary diet consists of seeds and invertebrates, plus nectar from the Galápagos prickly pear. Oh and hemoglobin, of course.
2.) The main targets for their blood meal are Nazcas and blue-footed boobies.
3.) Besides blood, these little birds also steal and feast upon other bird’s eggs. Ok. Now you’re just pushing things a little too far.
4.) These little vampires are found around the equator in the Pacific Ocean and are natives to the Galápagos Islands of Darwin, Genovesa, and Wolf Island.
5.) They have no predators, sans large local birds and some introduced species of mammals, like rats.
But wait, there’s more on the vampire finch!
6.) To make things even creepier, these finches will also suck the blood of their own dead friends and family members. Rude…
7.) Vampire finches are mostly monogamous (mate for life).
Did you know…?
Strangely, the birds being feasted upon don’t really seem to be bothered by the blood letting procedure.
8.) Females typically lay up to 3 eggs during the rainy season.
Now a Short Vampire Finch Video!
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