The vervet monkeys are old world monkeys from Africa. They inhabit forests, scrublands and savannas; preferring areas near the streams and rivers. These monkeys also inhabit human settlements as there is often a wide selection of food. These monkeys have tails but they aren’t used as a prehensile (used as an additional appendage) feature; more as a way to balance while in trees. These monkeys are listed as Least Concern by the IUCN.
First the Stats…
Scientific name: Cercopithecus aethiops
Weight: Up to 11 lbs.
Height: Up to 26 inches, plus a 20 inch long tail
Lifespan: Up to 24 years
Now on to the Facts!
1.) Like so many other monkeys, vervets are diurnal (active during the day).
2.) Vervet monkeys spend most of their lives in trees, making them arboreal.
3.) Vervets are omnivores (eat both plant and animal matter). They primarily eat leaves, shoots, buds, flowers, roots, fruit, insects, eggs, grubs, and even small birds.
4.) They live in troops of 10 – 50 monkeys.
5.) You can hear them whistling, screaming, and squealing to communicate and relay information about potential predators.
But wait, there’s more on the vervet!
6.) A vervet monkey will spend several hours each day grooming itself and others in the troop. This social grooming helps to strengthen bonds.
7.) Predators include humans, leopards, caracals, baboons, servals, pythons, crocodiles, and eagles.
Did you know…?
Vervets have developed a taste for alcohol due to their close proximity to human habitations and will even get drunk!
8.) Vervet monkeys breed from April – June. Pregnancy lasts 165 days and produces one baby.
9.) These playful critters will push each other from branches in order to test their balance and to establish rank.
10.) Vervets have cheek pouches that are used to temporarily store food for later consumption.
Now a Short Vervet Monkey Video!
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