- Zoology
- Daily Critter Facts
- For Teachers
- Study Guides
- Diseases & Parasites
- Contact
- Zoology
- Daily Critter Facts
- For Teachers
- Study Guides
- Diseases & Parasites
- Contact
Are you a teacher looking for some fun critter based science materials? You’ve come to the right place. You’ll find loads of fun and educational material at Critter Science for FREE!
More material is added as I create it. If you are looking for more than you see here, please let me know and I’ll definitely consider adding the requested material for you.
For now, please enjoy what I have to offer. Be sure to also check out the Daily Critter Facts pages, as new articles are written each day! Most articles are written with a 12+ year old reader age group in mind. There are, of course a few articles that are pretty detail-oriented. But most are not too rough. I try to write with the previously mentioned age group in mind. Plus, it’s definitely enjoyable for adults/educators to read as well. My goal is to teach, not confuse.
If you happen upon an article that is a bit confusing, once again, let me know. I’m happy to reevaluate the article and simplify it; or even get you a simplified version emailed directly to you.
Being a teacher myself for many years, I know the importance of education and supporting teachers, worldwide. That being said, you’ll find my information up to date and as accurate as possible. You also have the chance to request more content at any time and I will do my best to provide it. As I’ve claimed before, I know an awful lot about critters, but I don’t know everything. I’m glad I don’t, as life would be pretty boring without the chance to learn something new everyday.
If you find the content on this site helpful, feel free to drop me a line and let me know how I’m doing.
Now go and enjoy Critter Science and I’ll hopefully get the chance to talk to you soon.