You’d be wise to steer clear of the goliath tigerfish as it is such a fearless apex predator that it doesn’t even fear crocodiles! The tigerfish calls the Congo River basin, Lake Upemba, the Lualaba River, and Lake Tanganyika in Africa their home. These fish are prized game fish due to their aggressive nature and the fight they put up when hooked. Most residents advise a catch and release practice to help preserve their quantity as it takes between 5 – 14 years to double their numbers; due to the fact that they spend more time hunting than they do reproducing. They are listed as Least Concern by the IUCN.
First the Stats…
Scientific name: Hydrocynus goliath
Weight: Up to 154+ lbs.
Length: Up to 5+ feet
Lifespan: Up to 15 years
Now on to the Facts!
1.) This fish has 32 razor-sharp interlocking teeth that are used to tear their prey to pieces, like a piranha.
2.) Tiger fish are so brazen that they will even catch birds in mid flight!
3.) The only predators, sans fishermen, are larger fish and crocodiles; but only when they are young. As adults, they are apex predators.
4.) As far as fishing is concerned, a boat is best used, as it is ill-advised to wade fish.
5.) They prefer turbulent waters as smaller fish have a difficult time navigating these waters and thus that makes them easier to catch.
But wait, there’s more on the goliath tigerfish!
6.) Their prey is anything that they can overpower. They eat fish, sometimes even each other, young crocodiles, and also birds.
7.) Tigerfish have excellent eyesight and can also detect low-frequency vibrations via a specially evolved air sac that vibrates when prey is nearby.
Did you know…?
There have been documented cases of the goliath tigerfish attacking humans, hence the need to fish for these monsters from a boat. Those 1 inch teeth mean business!
8.) Females lay up to lay up to 780,000 eggs. The fry take on larger and larger prey as they grow.
Now a Short Goliath Tigerfish Video!
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