The Yangtze giant softshelled turtle, aka the Shanghai softshell turtle, the speckled softshell turtle, red river giant softshell turtle, Swinhoe’s softshell turtle, 斑鳖, or 斑鱉, hails from southern China and northern Vietnam. Sadly, only an estimated up to 5 – 6 individuals are known to exist. 1 captive specimen in China, and the remaining wild individuals in Vietnam. Sadly, these amazing giants are inevitably going to go extinct, due to their limited numbers and thus highly diminished genetic pool. They are listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN.
First the Stats…
Scientific name: Rafetus swinhoei
Weight: Up to 220+ lbs.
Length: Up to 39+ inches
Lifespan: Up to 100+ years
Now on to the Facts!
1.) Yangtze giant softshell turtles are the largest known freshwater turtle in the world.
2.) These omnivores (eat plant and animal matter) prey on crabs, snails, fish, and frogs. They also eat green rice leaves and water hyacinth.
3.) Due to their secretive nature and habit of staying submerged for very long periods, their exact numbers are unknown.
4.) They are on the brink of extinction due to habitat loss, hunting, and local consumption, plus the use of the carapace and bones in alternative medicine (although there is zero scientific evidence that these turtles can cure any diseases).
5.) Skulls are sometimes kept as trophies.
But wait, there’s more on the Yangtze giant softshell turtle!
6.) Conservation efforts have been underway for some time now to repopulate this species. However, these efforts have not yielded positive results.
7.) Females lay up to 80 eggs, at night.
Did you know…?
In 2019, the only remaining captive female died during a second artificial insemination attempt.
8.) Like other reptile species, the ambient temperature may have a role in gender assignment. Warmer temperatures yield females, cooler temperatures yield males. But this has not yet been confirmed with this species.
9.) A specimen located in Hoan Kiem Lake, in Hanoi is thought to be the legendary Kim Qui (Golden Turtle God), who has appeared at opportune times throughout Vietnamese history.
10.) Even though there have been several accounts of turtle sightings, none have been officially verified.
Now a Short Yangtze Giant Softshelled Turtle Video!
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